Saturday, October 1, 2011

Seven Months Update

Wow. Time doesn't seem to be slowing down at all. Peyton is already seven months old. And we are loving every minute of it! He is getting so big, trying to crawl, trying to walk, trying to eat more of mom and dad's food. This little man just grows a little bit every day. Poor guy had his first ear infection and we thought it was a constipation problem (because his infection was causing him other issues) and ended up taking him to the ER twice for it. He would feel better for a few days and then get stuck again. On the third time, it was during the week (where the first two times were late in the evening on the weekend) so I was finally able to take him to his regular doctor. He suggested several things for me to try, most of which we had already done, and went to check the rest of him out and lo and behold, an ear infection! He's been on antibiotics for 5 days now and seems like he is doing so much better. We'll have to wait until he is off the antibiotics to see if that's truly what was causing the constipation. Let's hope...I hate it when my little guy is in pain because there is only so much that I can do.Peyton is working on his top tooth and I can't wait until it is fully popped out. The tip of the tooth is visible but doesn't look like it is going to come out much more for a while. We have plans to go up north to Salt Lake City and Logan in two weeks and I hope it is more visible by then so I have something new to show off for him (not that he doesn't have enough already!!).

We finally had to cut his hair. I didn't cry. I definitely wanted to but I didn't cry. He looks so handsome. It's amazing how something as little as getting his hair cut can make him look so much older. He does, he really looks more grown up now. However, it looks like his hair is going to be just like his dad's-growing at the speed of light! It's only been two-ish weeks and we're going to have to give him another one soon.

Jayson and I are getting closer to being sealed. I can't stop thinking about it. I can't wait for the time we can be sealed together as a family. We have made a lot a progress both as individuals and as a couple and family. I don't know when we finally get our temple recommends but I truly can't wait. I have also been working on genealogy for my mom's side of the family. Basically her whole side of the family is Catholic and needs to have their work done for them and I can't wait to be one that can do baptisms for my ancestors. There are so many that I won't be able to do them all myself but I know that Jayson will help me and when our kids are old enough, they will help as well. I'm not sure how my mom's family would feel about me doing this so for right now, it isn't going to be something I freely advertise. The time will come, I just need to be patient.

I am so blessed that I have such an amazing family. Not just Jayson and Peyton, but his family and my extended family. I recently received a Patriarchal Blessing and one of the things that stood out to me the most was I was told that I would be instrumental in the conversion of my family. Nothing would delight me more. I am so thankful that I live in a time that the Gospel is so readily available. I am glad that I have the chance to teach it to my growing family and those around me.

As always, I want to end with a note to my special little guy:

You are still growing, as you will for years to come. It makes me cry sometimes but they are always tears of happiness and love. I want you to know how hard your Dad and I are working so that we can be sealed as a family. The road has been, and will continue to be, hard at times but we know that it is infinitely more worth any of the hardships we go through to get there.

You are learning that it isn't fun to just sit there all the time. You are starting to pull yourself up onto your toys, onto people that you sit with, and on pretty much anything else you can get a hold of. It is so cute to watch you, especially when you don't know that I am there; turns out, you are quite the 'mama's boy' and if you see me, you quit trying whatever you were working on because you want me to pick you up, and I almost always give in. I'm going to have to start getting a bit more strict or you aren't going to learn. I think this is what everyone always refers to as 'tough love'. More than once, you have pulled yourself up onto something, only to realize that is as far as you can go! You still aren't quite brave enough to do much else. I've tried to entice you with graham crackers to get you to take a step away from the couch, but to no avail. You aren't there yet, but it won't be long before you are completely walking all on your own. I can't wait but I don't ever want it to come. You'll understand this someday when you have your own children.Peyton, I know that you are going to do great things in your life. Even at this young age, you have already brought so much positive change just to our little family and I can't wait to see what you do later on in your life. I know that it will be great. Just remember to keep smiling for me; those cute little smiles I get (especially after I've been gone to school all morning) make my heart melt and keep me going through those hard days. I love you so much Peyton. So very much.