Sunday, May 16, 2010

New Opportunities

Well this past week has been great! The weather has been amazing, I have been able to spend more time with Jayson and my brother and sister, Tristan & Kaycee, and I started a new job! That's right, I'm not even technically a college graduate yet and I already have a job. I am working at an ophthalmology clinic in Logan and it is great! I have only been there for a week and both my boss/doctor and the patients have remarked how quickly I am picking up the trade. Not bad for barely covering ophthalmology in school right? I'm not trying to brag but I am very pleased with myself.

Since I have started a new job, I will be able to quit my other one shortly and it can't come quick enough. Lately, there hasn't been much work and we (both Jayson and me) have been sent home early at least once a week. That has been really rough on our finances but we have been through worse and we'll just keep on trucking until it changes around. Once I get my first paycheck from my new job, we should be just fine.

On the same note of new jobs, Jayson has an interview at another company here in Logan on Thursday called Schreiber's. They manufacture and package cheese, as well as bottled smoothies and yogurts. It is still a production job, which is what we are at now, but it pays a LOT better and has "regular" more of this working weekends until 5 in the morning. He will either be on days or swings so he will have the weekends off, which will be great for this summer! We have so many things we want to do since we couldn't do them last year.

We are down to five days before I officially graduate! I'm not really sure how I feel about this. While it will be nice to be done for now, I don't plan on just staying as an MA; I will start nursing school sometime next year, provided I get accepted into Dixie State.

Anyhoo, that's about all I had to say for this post. I am trying to post once a week to keep everyone "in the loop", so to speak but who knows how long I will be able to keep that up! I hope you are all doing great and enjoying the beginning of the summer wherever you are!