Thursday, August 4, 2011

5 Whole Months!

So I am a little bit behind in posting; vacations, job changes and life somewhat got in the way so bear with me :)

My little man is a whole five months old! Can you believe it? I know I sure can't. I'm not entirely sure where five months went but he is getting so big and so much fun!He still won't roll over from his tummy to his back but has finally figured out how to do it from his back to his tummy (which is backwards for most kiddos and generally harder than tummy to back. What can I say?). I came home from work on the 21st of July and Jayson came upstairs and said "Come look at this!!" Peyton had rolled over in his sleep and was comfortably sleeping on his stomach. Soooo cute! When I try to get him to do tummy time, he still just whimpers until I finally give in and roll him back over. We've tried everything: moving toys across his field of vision, me moving and calling him from the other side. Nothing works. He just follows it until the object is out of site and then lays his head down. Pretty cute, I just wish he'd roll over. Oh well, it'll happen when it's time.

On the 26th of July, after almost a month of solid teething, his right bottom tooth finally broke through. Two days later, so did the left! He looks so cute with two little teeth. They are still pretty small but when they get a little bigger, I will get a picture with my little man's latest fashion accessories. Such a handsome boy.

He is sitting up mostly by himself these days. He still has moments where he leans too far forward and can't save it or off to the sides where he'll just tip over. It's so cute but it makes him so mad!

I love this man so much. He is just my little sweetheart and makes me smile 1000 times during the day....sometimes more. :)

As far as Jayson and I are concerned: I had a job for a few weeks working with girls that had anger or substance abuse issues. I really liked my job, even though dealing with 20+ teenage girls could sometimes get annoying, but I quit this week. The management was a joke and wouldn't work with the schedule I needed (and told them when I was hired) and it was just really hard being away from Peyton during the evening. I didn't have this much trouble with a day job but I just felt like I was missing too much with him at night. So, after some prayer and talking it over with Jayson, I decided to quit. I was a little nervous at first and spent the entire next day out in Cedar City looking for jobs and filling out applications. Then, on Wednesday, we received a letter from the Veteran's Administration saying that Jayson had been approved for his housing allowance. Not only had he been approved for it but it is about $250 more than we were expecting! We'll be receiving about $750 a month, which with me only working part time, was about how much I'd be bringing in. So if everything works out, I may not work at all. Jayson and I can just go to school full time and spend the rest of our time with Peyton and working on homework. I sure how we can do that. It would be so nice.

Anyway, that's pretty much all that's new with us. I am super excited to start school in 17 days. The sooner we start, the sooner we're done! :) I just want to end by saying how grateful and thankful I am for the blessings I have received in my life. I am very lucky woman and can't wait to see what the future brings!

As always, I want to end with a note to my little man:

You are growing WAY too fast! I wish sometimes that I could slow down time and enjoy you more as you are right now. You are such a smiley man and it makes my heart sing every time you look at me with those gorgeous blue eyes and that smile that is no longer a toothless grin. I am so thankful you were given to me and I can't wait for our family to be sealed together. I know it is taking longer than we want but I just want you to know that you are the drive behind it all. You are the reason that we are focusing so much now, even though we should have been doing it sooner.
I love watching you explore your surroundings. I love watching the look on your face and the concentration in your eyes as you study something new that you haven't seen before. You love to learn and I can't wait to help you learn all that you want later in life.

You are my sweetheart Peyton. You always will be, no matter how old you get, or how much you may not want to be. You will always be my little man. I love you so much and I can't wait to explore the world with you. Keep smiling, you are my sunshine.