Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Changes A Year Can Make

So I am a little bit behind but bear with me. I wanted to post this on September 11th but I didn't have my computer so I am a few days behind but I still think this will be a neat post; especially to look back on later :)

September 11, 2009:
After 431 days, Jayson was finally coming home from Iraq. I was a bundle full of nerves, waiting around the house for the right time to leave. Mom, Chelsea, Sydney and me had made Welcome Home signs for everyone to hold up. Even Tristan and Kaycee were excited to see Jayson again (this surprised me a little bit since they were so little when he left). Most of Jayson's family was meeting me in Salt Lake at the airport to welcome him home.

Finally, it was time to leave for Salt Lake. The car windows were covered in phrases, earning me many honks on the way down :) I couldn't wait to see Jayson. I was so nervous. I hadn't seen him since February, when he came home for two weeks on R&R, and I was anxious to see him again. Who wouldn't be???

In what seemed like an eternity, but at the same time, a split second, I was pulling into the airport parking lot. I ran into several other families, hurrying in to welcome their soldiers home. All of us were happy and excited to soon be seeing our family members again.

I ran into the terminal, and there was no doubt I was in the right place. There was probably 100 other people there; other family members, a motorcycle rider group (all holding American flags), and two news cameras. We all grouped toward the front, waiting for our men and women to come down the escalators. I knew Jayson and the other soldiers would think the celebration was too much but I thought it was amazing. I was practically jumping with excitement!

Suddenly, a lady came down the first step of the escalator and yelled "Soldiers on deck!" The whole crowd began to cheer and all I was hoping was that Jayson would be one of the first because I was pretty sure I wouldn't be able to keep from crying too much longer. Thankfully, Jayson was the third or fourth man on the stairs. I wanted to just run to him but I made my self stay where I was. Jayson came over and hugged with everything he had. We just stood there, not saying anything, and when I opened my eyes, there was a TV camera RIGHT in my face. I whispered into Jayson's ear, "I think we are going to be on the news." All he said, "I don't care, I missed you." Good enough for me :)

September 11, 2010:
It's hard to believe a year has gone by already since Jayson came home. It has been the best year of our marriage, I think, just because so many positive things have happened. Even the negative things, in retrospect, weren't really that bad.

I graduated from my first college degree on May 21, 2010. I got my first post-school job in May as well, before I had even officially graduated, on May 10, 2010. It didn't seem like life could get any better.

Jayson got a new job the first part of June and shortly after starting, was promoted to a team leader. He surpassed people that had been there much longer than he had to get the promotion and I couldn't be more proud of him.

On June 17, we found out that we were expecting our first baby. While that was a little bit (okay a big bit!) of a shock, I wouldn't change it for the world. I am starting to feel little Peanut's movements and we only have another two weeks before we find out if Peanut is a boy or a girl. It seems like these two weeks are dragging by so slowly! But next thing I know, we will have a bouncing baby boy or girl to add to our home.

It has been a very interesting year, with many changes for the better. It's crazy that it has been a year already but I can't wait to see what the next year brings us, especially with Peanut on the way! :)