Thursday, June 10, 2010

Long Couple of Weeks

So Jayson hasn't been able to work for almost 5 weeks now. We depleted what little amount we had in savings, was unable to pay our rent, we are down to one car, and have almost no food. Needless to say, it has been a very long couple weeks. While I had faith that is was all going to work out in the long run, I just didn't know how much longer I could keep running. It has been very scary because every job that Jayson has applied for, we never heard anything about it. Cache Valley is still in a slump as far as employment goes and this "lay-off" came at the absolute worst time (but when is it ever a good time to get laid off, right?).

Finally, after much praying, crying, worrying, and sometimes even arguing with Jayson, our luck is finally starting to turn around. Thanks to a wonderful friend I went to school with, Jayson starts a new job tomorrow. It's at a company called Inovar and he will be testing the unarmed aircraft vehicles (like spy-crafts, etc) that the military uses to make sure they are up to code and ready to go. Jayson is pretty excited about starting a new job, one with a reputation of never laying anyone off, even when the economy was at it's worst. I couldn't be happier; Jayson will be working again, we will be able to pay our bills, and Jayson is actually really excited to start working with this company. We are finally going to get back on our feet and everything will work out, just like always. Even though I cried a LOT over the last couple weeks, I am stronger than I thought I would be. I managed to remain positive most of the time and I'm just glad it is all working out. Now, if we could only sell that truck...oh, that's too much to ask for in one day :)